Care & Training | B&B Bernedoodles | NJ, United States (2024)


As a puppy you should be feeding them a minimum of 3times a day. Calorie requirements for Mini Bernedoodles are 750-1,400 calories. Feed high quality Kibble.

A puppy's meal schedule must include three measured meals a day, preferably at the same time every day.

Although dry kibble is a popular choice, it's not the only option. We give you a 6 pound bag of dry premium puppy food as well as 4 cans of wet premium puppy food. As long as both the wet and the dry formulas are complete and balanced for growing puppies you can feed either one to your pup with confidence.

You and your puppy may have a preference when it comes to dry vs. wet. Feeding a combination of the two is also an option.If you choose to feed a combination of the two ensure the combined amounts doesn't exceed your puppy's daily recommended caloric intake.

Care & Training | B&B Bernedoodles | NJ, United States (1)

The best time for your puppy's first meal is around 7 AM, noontime for lunch, and 5 PMfor dinner. The last meal should always be around 5 pm so that he/ she will have plenty of time to digest their food and eliminate one last time before bedtime.

Stick to this basic puppy feeding schedule until the puppy reaches 14 to 18 weeks old, at which point the meals schedule should change to two meals a day (unless your veterinarian suggests otherwise).

To keep you puppy at a healthy weight, make sure not to overfeed him even if he is begging for more. If you have any questions regarding exactly how much food your puppy should be eating in the course of a day, talk to your veterinarian or usrather than guess. You can always reach out to usanytime even after you have purchased the puppy. We love to see pictures and hear from our family members!

If your puppy appears to be reluctant about eating his food, you might try feeding him/her inside their crate so that they can eat without feeling threatened or distracted. This can also discourage them from eliminating right after they eat. In addition, it is best to allow about 15 minutes to pass after giving the puppy water before you take him outside to eliminate. Of course, you will need to be patient during the learning process and be ready to take him outside again if it appears that he/she needs to eliminate again.

In the first stages of house training your puppy it is best to take him/her outside to eliminate every 1.5 hours. Give them some water to drink about 15 minutes before going outside. As the house-training progresses, the puppy will be able to last for longer intervals without feeling the need to eliminate. Right before bedtime, after the puppy has eliminated outside, spend a few minutes playing gently with your puppy.


Care & Training | B&B Bernedoodles | NJ, United States (2)

It is important to keep the 90/10 rule in mind, whether your rewarding your puppy for good behavior or just want him/her to feel loved.90 % of the puppies daily calories should come from their complete and balanced puppy food. The other 10% can come from treats.

Following the 90/10 rule can help prevent weight gain and other health problems in adulthood.

Remember that some human foods are toxic to dogs so be safe and only feed your puppy premium puppy food.


Care & Training | B&B Bernedoodles | NJ, United States (3)

We have already started this process with them but of course when your puppy comes to you he/she is not fully potty trained yet. A puppy who has started some crate training is usually a lot easier to train than a kennel raised dog. You will be focused on crate training from 8 to 12 weeks old. Also it makes transition a lot easier going from one crate to another. Less crying at night.

At 9 weeks is still too young for a puppy to be reliably house trained due to the fact that their bladders are to small.

House training often starts when the puppy is between 12 to 16 weeks old that's when your puppy should have enough control of their bladder to hold it.

A dogs natural instinct is to not to eliminate where they sleep.

Your puppy will have to go out any time between 5 to 30 min after eating. Try to keep a record to see about how long after he/she eats their need to go. This way you can keep them on a regular schedule.

Signs that your puppy needs to go out are barking, circling, whining, sniffing, scratching. If you see these behaviors take your puppy out right away. Better to be safe than sorry! In general male puppies seems to be able to hold it longer than female puppies.


Make sure your crate is big enough for your puppy to have enough

room to stand up and turn around. We recommend to get one with

a divider because remember your puppy will continue to grow and

if there is too much room your puppy will sleep in one corner and

eliminate in another. Don't leave your puppy in the crate for long

periods of time especially the first couple of months. Keep a special

toy that is just for the crate/doesn't come out for any other reason.

Have other toys for your play time together. Keep the dog blanket

with mom's scent that we provided for you in the crate. This will

help with the transition process.

We recommend waiting until 10 to 14 days after your puppy's last vaccination booster- usually at around 14 to 16 weeks of age before introducing them to the wonders of local parks, beaches and walking trails.

Care & Training | B&B Bernedoodles | NJ, United States (4)


Care & Training | B&B Bernedoodles | NJ, United States (5)

Giving your puppy too many baths can strip him of his skin and natural oils in the coat. Therefore, bathe your puppy only when he needs it. You can bathe your puppy in a tub or sink. Just be sure to choose a puppy shampoo that is gentle on his skin!

Care & Training | B&B Bernedoodles | NJ, United States (2024)


How much does a Bernedoodle cost in the US? ›

Adoption: $50 - $300

On the other hand, purchasing a Bernedoodle from a breeder has a higher price tag, generally ranging from $1,500 to $5,000. The increased cost typically reflects the breeder's investment in quality breeding practices, health screenings, and genetic testing.

Are Bernedoodles difficult to train? ›

Bernedoodle puppies are smart and easily trained but they can have a stubborn streak as they get into their adolescence. Creating early structure at home can help mitigate this stubbornness by establishing daily routines your puppy can expect and also establish you as leader.

How many miles should a Bernedoodle walk a day? ›

Energy Levels & Stimulation

Bernedoodles are not overly energetic. However, they do well with at least a 30-40 minute walk daily, especially during their younger years. Mental and physical stimulation is also essential to drain their energy levels and avoid boredom and frustration.

How often should Bernedoodles be bathed? ›

The frequency of bathing your Bernedoodle depends on their activity level, coat type, and skin sensitivity. As a general guideline, most Bernedoodles only need baths every 4-8 weeks.

What is the most wanted Bernedoodle? ›

However, the tri-color Bernedoodle is often considered the most wanted due to its striking appearance.

What is the most desirable Bernedoodle? ›

F1 Bernedoodle:

The most popular type of Bernedoodle is the F1 Bernedoodle. An F1 Bernedoodle is the first-generation breeding of a purebred poodle and a purebred Bernese mountain dog. F1 Bernedoodles tend to be the healthiest Bernedoodles, with an easy-to-predict adult size: generally an average of the two parents.

How to calm a Bernedoodle? ›

Much like humans, exercise has incredible health benefits for Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles, and can help them experience rest and rejuvenation. Additionally, providing your dog with a comfortable and secure living environment can help to reduce their anxiety and prevent excessive barking.

How to stop a Bernedoodle from jumping? ›

Teach your dog that they receive no attention for jumping on you or anyone else. You can turn your back and only pet your dog when all four paws are on the floor. Teach your dog to do something that is incompatible with jumping up, such as sitting. They can't sit and jump up at the same time.

Do Bernedoodles have high anxiety? ›

Some Bernedoodles are genetically predisposed to anxiety disorders, while others may develop them due to traumatic experiences or insufficient socialization.

What is the downside of a Bernedoodle? ›

Bernedoodle Cons: Grooming Needs and Other Challenges

Bernedoodles, especially those with longer hair, need frequent brushing to prevent matting and tangling. Additionally, professional grooming may be required every few months, which can be a significant commitment in terms of time and money.

What's the lifespan of a Bernedoodle? ›

Standard Bernedoodles weigh 61–100 pounds, stand up to 29 inches tall, and can live 12–15 years. Mini Bernedoodles, full-grown, weigh 20–45 pounds, stand up to 22 inches tall, and live 14–16 years.

Are Bernedoodles good off leash? ›

Answer: Yes they need plenty of off leash run time and as such we find homes with a fenced in backyard do best for the puppies and adults.

What is the best haircut for a Bernedoodle? ›

Lamb Cut. This is a very popular choice among Bernedoodle owners. The lamb cut leaves the face, legs, and tail area short, while the body is clipped longer. This haircut is perfect for dogs that love to play since it's easy to maintain and won't get in the way.

Do Bernedoodles like to swim? ›

Answer: Overall, they are water lovers and would not hesitate to swim whenever they get a chance. But some dogs may not like water and in fact, they may even hate to be bathed. If you love swimming, you should start exposing your Bernedoodle puppy to water and indoor pools so they could develop this habit with age.

How often do you trim Bernedoodle nails? ›

You'll want to take your dog to a professional groomer every six to eight weeks to take care of the more advanced tasks such as nail clipping.

Why is a Bernedoodle so expensive? ›

The increasing popularity of Bernedoodles has led to a high demand for these crossbreeds, which in turn influences their price. As more families seek out Bernedoodles as family pets and companions, reputable breeders may experience greater demand for their puppies, allowing them to set higher prices.

What is a Bernedoodle life expectancy? ›

The Bernedoodle lifespan ranges 12–18 years, depending on how big your dog is. As a general rule, smaller dogs live longer than larger dogs. These dogs can inherit conditions from both of their parent breeds, but Miniatures might have different health issues arise than Standards.

What color Bernedoodle is rare? ›

Phantom. The phantom coat of a Bernedoodle is highly sought-after due to its unique two-tone coloring. This coat can be found in different variations, with the most common being black and brown. The phantom coat comes in two types, non-merle and merle.

Is a Bernedoodle a calm dog? ›

Toy and mini Bernedoodles do tend to be higher energy, and Standards generally have a calmer demeanor. Most Bernedoodles fall somewhere in the middle; equally happy taking you on a jog around the park, or lounging on the bed watching some Netflix.


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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.