Riddler's Revenge - Batman Arkham Knight Guide - IGN (2024)


Brendan Graeber,Jared Petty,Joel Taylor,+27.6k more


Riddler's Revenge is a side quest and part of Gotham's Most Wanted in Batman: Arkham Knight.

During Chapter 1, after locking up Poison Ivy, Aaron Cash mentions a suspicious looking man milling around the train yard. This begins the most extensive and rewarding side mission in the game. Riddler has set up a series of puzzles for Batman, as well as collectible trophies, destructible items, and riddles to solve.

Note that in order to finish the Riddler's Revenge Side Quest, you will have to find and solve all of the Riddler's trophies and other collectibles. You can find the locations for all of them here.


Meeting the Riddler

Map Coordinates
Unlocks After
3316, 1870
Regaining Bridge Access for Miagani Island (Main Story)

Unless you decided to pursue the Riddler sighting back on Bleake Island before Ace Chemicals, this will be your first encounter with him. From the Grand Avenue Station, head to the Pinkney Orphanage at the far Southwestern edge of Miagani Island. Inside you'll find Catwoman, who cannot leave until you have solved the Riddler's 10 trials. Meanwhile the Riddler will introduce himself via a gang of Riddler Bots, mechanized enemies who are fairly resilient to defeat, but you'll be able to work with Catwoman in fighting them off.

Once defeated, you'll be able to take on the first trial, if you haven't done it earlier

Riddler Trial #1 - Mental Blocked

Map Coordinates
Unlocks After
2314, 2813
Bringing Poison Ivy to GCPD or after Meeting the Riddler

Whether or not you decide to follow up on the Riddler sighting early in the game, Mental Blocked is a Riddler-themed race track. As the Riddler drones on about the many rules you'll have to follow, you can either listen to all of them, or just press the prompt to hack the controls opening the gate. You'll need to use those same controls to override many of the gates during the race. To win, you'll need to complete three laps in under the time limit, which means you'll need to be constantly looking out for which panels to open or close.

The race course features a long hallway with multiple doors (more appear in quicker succesion on subsequent laps), followed by a branching path (go left the first lap, right the second, and left the third). These paths are followed by a corridor with gaps on the floor, so ride the wall or make paths appear. Following this is several descending platforms you'll need to bring out, followed by a large area that requires a bit of wall driving and block navigating. This finally ends with a long ramp leading to a platform below, which will require some alternating blocks with the other laps.


Complete all three laps to win, and the Riddler will present you with the solution to a room full of keys - one of which is the one Catwoman needs. Orient Catwoman by the chair and then pick the closest one in the middle column.

Riddler Trial #2 - Balancing Act

Map Coordinates
Unlocks After
1687, 2054
Catwoman gets captured at Riddler's Orphanage

The next Batmobile themed challenge is found in the Northern section of Chinatown, around the corner from the bridge leading to Ace Chemicals.

What follows is a series of balancing platforms and blocks that you can activate or deactivate. To start, drive the batmobile up the small ramp on the side until you reach the small green panel. Stepping on it will activate a block, but driving over the larger red panel further up will deactivate it. Therefore, drive up, and activate the block under the ramp to make it stay, and then exit the Batmobile and walk to the green panel, and use the Remote Control to drive across to the other side. Rejoin the Batmobile and activate blocks to lower the ramp all the way down, and lock it in place. Drive off the ramp and quickly activate the block on the far side to land on. Power the winch hook to light up the panel below to find the right key.

As Catwoman orient yourself next to the chair, and look for the far left key on the row closest to you.

Riddler Trial #3 - Numeracy 101

Map Coordinates
Unlocks After
3316, 1870
Completing the Balancing Act Puzzle


Return to the Pinkey Orphanage where you will be blocked by a puzzle. In order to open up the gate, you'll need to solve a new riddle (This one doesn't count towards the overall collectibles). To solve it, hit the switches to rotate the green blocks to form a question mark facing down, and look on the outer rim mirror to find the dot.

After solving the riddle, meet up with Catwoman to explore a new door that has opened up. Inside you'll find two seperate areas, one with a red switch and one with a blue switch. Put Batman on the blue one and Catwoman on Red, then notice the flashing numbers on the wall between them. The numbers one character sees represent the order in which the character on the other side must hit the targets.

Lookin at Batman's numbers, Catwoman must hit the targets in the following order: 1, 3, 5, 2, 4.

Looking at Catwoman's numbers, Batman must hit the targets in the following order: 3, 1, 4, 5, 2.

After both sides are done, the Riddler will again unleash his Riddler Bots against you, thankfully letting you team up to defeat them fairly fast, and then be rewarded with another key for Catwoman.

Riddler Trial #4 - Crushonator

Map Coordinates
Unlocks After
2934, 2149
Completing the Numeracy 101 Puzzle

Travel to the Elliott Memorial Hospital to find the entrance to the next race track - the Crushonator. As the name implies, there's several blocks that will come down hard, and you can't always control them.


As the race begins, open the first blockade and veer to the left so you can raise the second blockade without getting crushed. You'll need to alternate doing this several times before the next section, where rows of blocks will descend at an even pace, learn the timing and drive around them to get past to the next section. Here, you'll have to raise one blockade, and find the diminishing safe ground before raising the next section. The final section will have more crushing blocks in a line, so again learn the timing to avoid driving under them, and stick the outsides when you can.

After all three laps are completed, activate the panel to find the right key. As Catwoman, stand by the chair and pick out the second key from the right on the first row.

Riddler Trial #5 - Flight School

Map Coordinates
Unlocks After
2916, 2452
Completing the Crushonator Race

Drive the Batmobile to the Gotham Casino in Northern Miagani Island to find your next puzzle room - Flight School. There's not too much Batmobile to play around with - instead it's all about ejecting from the Batmobile. Give yourself a boost with the increased eject upgrade, and drive up to the very edge before ejecting, and glide to the opposite wall.

Next, you'll need to drive up again before ejecting, then swing a hard right turn to hit the opposite wall farther along. Finally, you'll need to perform it once more, make the hard right, and then make another right to travel through a very dicey corridor - making sure to glide perfectly still - then take a right out of the corridor and glide down to the last panel.

Return to the main panel to show which key for Catwoman is the right one. As Catwoman, head to the chair and look for the key at the second to the right along the row closest to you.


Riddler Trial #6 - Intro to Physics

Map Coordinates
Unlocks After
3316, 1870
Completing the Flight School Puzzle Room

Return once more to the Orphanage and meet up with Catwoman, then enter the new door marked Intro to Physics. Here you will have to solve the classic "Guide the electrical charge to it's destination by moving pipes" puzzle, but with a twist. Each of the three pads is pressure sensitive, and will only move the pipe up as far as the weight being applied to the panel. For reference, Catwoman weighs enough to send a pipe to the bottom line, Batman weighs enough to send the pipe to the middle line, and both standing on the pad wil raise the pipe all the way up.

To guide the charge all the way, have Catwoman stand on the middle panel, and Batman on the left, and then start the charge. After the charge passes through the first movable pipe, move Batman to the far right, but not on the panel just yet. After the charge passes through the middle pipe, move Catwoman to the far right panel. When it goes through the bottom, have Batman join Catwoman on the panel to catch the charge going back. Then have Batman stand on the middle panel, and move Catwoman to the far left panel. After the charge passes the middle, move Batman to join Catwoman on the left to watch the charge finish it's course.

The room isn't finished quite yet, as the floor leading to the key is electrfied, requiring one character to stand on the panel nearby as the other goes to retrieve key. Before they can, more Riddler Bots burst into the arena, only this time they have different colors: Red and Blue. For all intents and purposes, only Batman can attack and block the blue ones, and only Catwoman can block and harm the red ones. Since one character needs to be standing on the raised panel, you will need to tag team out whenever there are bots of another color that need to be wiped out by your teammate. They will come in a few waves, so be sure to be ready to tap the prompt to switch partners when you need to swap out.

Riddler Trial #7 - Drain Pain

Map Coordinates
Unlocks After
2696, 1905
Gain Access to Founders' Island, Complete Intro to Physics Puzzle

Once you are able to drive the Batmobile around Founders' Island, head to the Divinity Church to find the next Batmobile theme'd puzzle - Drain Pain. When you arrive in the room, note the three sections around the central drain, marked 1, 2, and 3.


Once the Riddler has drained the pool somewhat, use the Batmobile Winch on the hook point above Section 1, and slowly rappel down with the Batmobile until you reach the first part of the moveable cylinder. While hooked up, try to drive left, and instead the cylinder will rotate. Keep rotating until you arrive in the "reserved parking", then look across to the other side to see a hole has opened up. Eject and glide through to activate the first switch, lowering the drain further.

Go back to the Batmobile and pull yourself up, and then get to the winch point at Section 2. Drive down to the second rotating cylinder part, and move to the side until you once again reach the reseved parking slot, and look across to find a sealed wall you can blast, and glide through it. A few Riddler Bots will appear along an electric floor, so back up and take them down with help from the Batmobile.

With the drain lowered further, head back up, and go back to Section 1. Lower yourself down to the second rotating section this time, and move left as far as you can until you reach the reserved parking spot again, and drive back up. Now go to Section 3, and drop down the now opened path all the way to the final row, and align the cylinder so that you can fly through the circle on the opposite side. Stand on the switch, and make note of the red glow in the chamber. Turrets have popped up at the hole leading out, so use the Remote Batmobile controls to blast them before heading back and landing on the switch below.

As Catwoman, stand by the chair, and then look for the key on the second to the right in the middle row to find the correct key.

Riddler Trial #8 - Advanced Deathtraps

Map Coordinates
Unlocks After
3316, 1870
Completing the Drain Pain Puzzle Room

Back at the Orphanage once more, find Catwoman and enter the new door marked Advanced Deathtraps. Once again, there are two seperate sections for each character, one that only Catwoman can get to by jumping to the ceiling. Once both characters stand on their panels, the floor will become electrified leading to another panel on the other side of the room. Your only clue will be the large boad at the end of each room, with a lighted dot. The dot represents the non-electric path on the OTHER character's side. That means whatever Catwoman sees on her panel is the path Batman should take, and vice-versa. As you continue slowly along the path, more lights will be revealed for the other character. Eventuallt the panel will start rotating, making it harder to figure out your location. The correct path for both characters is as follows:


Batman's Path

Catwoman's Path

When you've activated both panels, more colored Riddler Bots will show up. Since you have both characters in the fight now, you can swap between them at will to take on whoever you need to. You can also use the Dual-Takedown attack to take out a Bot regardless of its color.

Riddler Trial #9 - Condamned

Map Coordinates
Unlocks After
2829, 2927
Completing the Advanced Deathtraps Puzzle Room

Drive the Batmobile over to the ferry terminal on Miagani Island to find the final race course - Condamned.

This race will require expert timing and speed in order to pass, so try and memorize every trap and turn. Right through the gate, take a right or left and then off a ramp. Here you will need to avoid spinning blades (the red or white ones are the only ones you can disable). Then you must drive along the wall while disabling blockades to get to the other side, and disable more spinning traps. Either avoid or disable the traps along teh next section as you drive across the ceiling, and then quickly disable blockades as you go past.

The next lap has more spinning traps, requiring better turning, and better timing for the moving traps. Note which traps you can disable and which ones you need to avoid to make things easier. On the loop, hang to the right side all the way through.


On the final lap, you'll have even less control, so try and time the riddler's blockades, and go slow if you have to. You can afford to graze some traps, just don't hit them head on. When you go over the loop, hang to the left this time and watch for the traps that pop up, then then finally watch for the falling blocks and time their stomping until the very end.

Unlock the panel and switch to Catwoman to find the right key. From the chair, walk to the second row from the top row, and grab the key from the only one in the row.

Riddler Trial #10 - Final Exam

Map Coordinates
Unlocks After
3316, 1870
Completing the Condamned Race Puzzle (Requires REC Gun)

For this final exam, you will need one specific gadget - the Remote Electrical Charge Gun. If you haven't already been directed to get it during the Main Story, you can find it at any time just by heading to the GCPD's Evidence Locker and finding it in a glass case - and break it to take it.

Return once again to the Orphanage and enter the last room marked Final Exam. In the room beyond the key, you'll spot a lazer coming from the ceiling and rows of green panels with generators along the walls. There are two holes in the floor, and you will need to manipulate the panels by moving them with an REC blast to a generator on that row or column to push or pull and move the gap around. You will also need to further manipulate pulling panels by having Catwoman climb over the ceiling and stand on a panel to lock it in place.

To start, have Catwoman stand on a panel adjacent to the one with a lazer, and make sure that a hole is on the same row or column, then push or pull the panels to create a hole for the lazer. As you do, quickly run back to the edge as Catwoman and jump to the ceiling - The Riddler will activate moving buzz saws that can be a pain to dodge.


Now the Riddler will have two lazers active, so again use Catwoman to create a space for making a gap that the lazer can go into the pit, do it for both lazers, and the run back to the ceiling again before the buzz saws come out.

The last segment will have two lazers just one space apart on the bottom row. Move the two gaps down to the top row (farthest from the lazers), then have catwoman stand on the column between the two lazers as you pull the remaining panel to the left. Now swap the gap in the middle to the bottom where the lazer is, and repeat the process to swap the gap at the top left to the bottom, and the puzzle will be complete.

As you try and leave with Catwoman, the Riddler will finally make his appearance in a mech suit designed for the occasion. He'lll begin attacking as he summons colored Riddler Bots to the fight. He will be behind a shield the whole time, alternating between changing the colors on robots, and charing up a large green beam you'll need to dodge.

However, when all other robots are defeated, he'll instead insist that you are not yet ready to face him until you have solved all of his Riddles, found every Riddler Trophy, destroyed every Breakable Object, and save every Bomb Rioter.

Riddler Boss Fight

Map Coordinates
Unlocks After
3316, 1870
Complete the Final Exam, find every Riddler Trophy and Collectible

When you have found everything the Riddler requires, returrn to the Orphanage and press the button to measure your completion rate. The Riddler will reappear with his mech suit, complete with his swarm of Riddler Bots. Unfortunately, Catwoman is not with you this time...or is she?

With Catwoman back at your side, take out all the Riddler Bots, and then launch an attack on the Riddler himself and mash the strike button to inflict damage on him. He'll still try and alternate between changing the colors of the Bots and firing an explosive green beam. For the second attack, he'll have a red shield up on him, so have Catwoman pounce on him to strike him some more. When the last wave of Riddler Bots go down, he will have a blue shield, so switch to Batman to end his revenge for good.

Up Next: Wonderland

PreviousThe Perfect CrimeNextWonderland

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  • Walkthrough
  • Endings
  • Riddler Trophies and Challenges
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Riddler's Revenge - Batman Arkham Knight Guide - IGN (1)

Batman: Arkham Knight -- Robin: Flip a Coin


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Riddler's Revenge - Batman Arkham Knight Guide - IGN (2024)


Do you have to solve all the riddles in Arkham Knight to fight Riddler? ›

However, when all other robots are defeated, he'll instead insist that you are not yet ready to face him until you have solved all of his Riddles, found every Riddler Trophy, destroyed every Breakable Object, and save every Bomb Rioter.

How many Riddler trophies do you need to confront the Riddler in Arkham Knight? ›

Having a Batman: Arkham Knight Riddler guide to hand is essential if you want to 100% complete the game, because there's a whopping 243 Riddler puzzles to solve and that's a massive challenge to take on solo.

Can you beat Riddler without trophies? ›

Like previous Arkham games, you'll need to find every last collectible if you want to face Riddler head on, and he's placed his trophies in every location possible.

Can you do Knightfall Protocol without a Riddler? ›

You will also have to apprehend Riddler by finding all of the Riddler Trophies and other collectibles scattered around the map. Once you have completed every side quest possible, Batman will again have the objective to enact the Knightfall Protocol at the top of GCPD by the Batsignal.

How many endings are there in Arkham Knight? ›

You can finish the main story for one, which is where you hear about Knightfall. And then finish riddler stuff for the extended extended ending.. Or get the final, longer ending if you already did the riddler stuff and sidequests before you finished the story.

How to solve the Riddler's riddles? ›

For the riddles, you need to find the answer, and hold L3 when looking at the item to scan it. If you're still early on in the game, you may not be able to do it yet. It will actually prompt you when you can first do that as the Riddler will come over Batman's walkie-talkie and give you the "first" one.

What is the numeracy riddle for Batman? ›

In Riddler's puzzle, "Numeracy 101," the code for Batman's side is the beginning of pi. It's 31452. The beginning of pi is 3.14152... but the second 1 was skipped because you can't hit any of the buttons twice.

Are there more than 243 riddles in Arkham Knight? ›

After completing all the Riddler trials and freeing Catwoman the Riddler will challenge you to complete all the Riddler challenges before he will finally confront you in person. There are a total of 315 collectibles across 243 riddler challenges, the 90 breakable objects count for 18.

Is it worth finding all Riddler Trophies? ›

If you collect all the Riddler trophies, and defeat him, you will get the true ending, known as Knightfall. Everything has been building up to this, and if you pay attention, Batman has been giving clues as to what his endgame is. Pay particular attention to his final interaction with Catwoman, for instance.

How many Riddler secrets do you need? ›

All of them... you need to find all of them to finish the riddler side quest... you need at least 400. If you have the cat woman dlc you can also count hers towards the 400. So you actually dont need to get 100% to complete the riddler side quest.

Are there missable Riddler Trophies Arkham Knight? ›

Yes there are trophies in the tunnel but you can go back down at any time so you really can't miss any trophies. None miss able but make sure you get the multi batarangs and mine disruptor upgrades. They are needed for some riddles.

What happens if you activate Knightfall Protocol before 100? ›

Activating Knightfall before 100% leaves significant details out of the ending, with scenes chopped out in the middle and a whole ending segment removed from the game.

Has Riddler beaten Batman? ›

In the canon, the Riddler is Batman's first masked supervillain and is not only able to best Batman twice, but also takes control of Gotham, causing it to become a flooded wasteland where only the intelligent are meant to survive.

How many hours does it take to get all Riddler Trophies? ›

If each takes 1 minute than its 240 minutes or about 4 hours. Personally it took me the better part of two days or like 10 hours. If each takes 1 minute than its 240 minutes or about 4 hours. Personally it took me the better part of two days or like 10 hours.

How many Riddler secrets do I need to find the Riddler? ›

you need at least 400. If you have the cat woman dlc you can also count hers towards the 400. So you actually dont need to get 100% to complete the riddler side quest.

Do you have to solve all the riddles in Arkham Knight New game Plus? ›

The only Riddler repeats are the trials to free Catwoman. Any uncollected trophies from the main story will carry into NG+, same as in City and Origins. Don't worry, you don't need to collect them again. However, you will still need to complete all of Riddler's missions.

Do you have to solve all the riddles in Arkham City? ›

Yeah, to unlock the full Knight Fall Protocol, you need to collect all the Riddler Trophies and then defeat the Riddler. Suck it up, Arkham City had over 400.

How to defeat Riddler in Arkham Knight? ›

If you mean the 2nd fight (the one after you collect all 243 items), you drop all the robots then attack Riddler. Use Batman if his suit is blue and Catwoman if it's red. Hit square to initiate the attack and hit it repeatedly to beat him down. Each time will take a third of his health.


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